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* Hotels list for Foz do Iguaçu (BRA) - Rafain Palace Hotel & Convention Center, Best Western Tarobá Hotel, Bourbon Cataratas Convention & Spa Resort, Carimã Hotel, Che Lagarto Hostel, Dan Inn, Dany Hotel, Del Rey Hotel, Falls Galli, Foz Plaza Hotel, Foz Presidente Hotel, Golden Park Internacional, Iguassu Express Hotel, Iguassu Holiday Hotel, Mabu Thermas Grand Resort, Manacá Hotel, Mirante Hotel, Nacional Inn, Nadai Confort Hotel & Spa, Panorama Hotel, Pietro Angelo Hotel, Pousada Caroline, Rafain Centro, Recanto Cataratas Thermas Resort & Convention, San Juan Tour, San Martin Hotel & Resort, Turrance Green Hotel, Viale Tower, Wish Resort Golf Convention, and Wyndham
* Hotels list for Puerto Iguazu (ARG) - American Portal del Iguazú, Exe Hotel Cataratas, Gran Hotel Tourbillon, Hotel Complejo Turistico Americano, Iguazu Grand Resort Spa & Casino, Marcopolo Inn Iguazu, Raices Esturion Hotel & Lodge, Orquideas Palace